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Return, Refund & Cancellation Policy

•    Customer must check out the products when it will be delivered & they can return the wrong products during the time of delivery.

•    We are responsible to exchange the products in case of wrong delivery or defective products.

•    In case any products are returned by the customer during the time of delivery, the price of returned product will be reduced immediately from the statement during delivery time.

•    In case of online payment, the claimed amount will be transferred to the respective account within 3-4 working days.

•    In order to ask for any query regarding refund/replacement process, kindly call us on +91-98311-5-2242 (Between 12 noon to 4pm) or mail us at info@greenandfresh.co.in

•    Green & Fresh Farmacy is not responsible for sealed branded product after delivery is completed. Kindly check all the products in presence of our delivery person at the time of delivery itself.

•    No claim will be entertained after completion of delivery process.